
“Spartacus: Vengeance” Trailer Released

The sequel to Spartacus: Gods of the Arena and Spartacus: Blood and Sand has released a trailer sharing glimpses of what’s to come in the upcoming addition to the series. Liam McIntyre steps up to the role as Spartacus, formerly brilliantly portrayed by Andy Whitfield, to lead an army against Rome. The series is full of promise and action and has been long awaited by fans. This mature themed series will see likely the premiere of its sequel season in January of 2012.

Article by Kale Slade

Kale Slade

Kale Slade has written for Movie Vine and Entertainment Vine for four years. Striving to do what he can to aid filmmakers in promoting and crafting their projects, he enjoys lending a hand when he can. He also enjoys horseback riding, photography, writing poetry and novels and spending time in nature, experiencing the beauties of life.

One Comment

  1. Oooohh…this is a terrific series. I was sad to hear Andy Whitfield wouldn’t be able to return, and hope he is recovering from his illness. It is good to see the series continue, as it was very cool, and very well done, and its produced by Sam Raimi, who has reached demi-God status as far as I’m concerned. (Plus, really ripped guys running around in their underwear can’t be bad…just saying!!) Can’t wait til January!!

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