Interview with Scott Cohen

Over 10 years ago I viewed a television miniseries by the name of The 10th Kingdom and after my viewing of it, I made a number of new favorite actors. I was around the age of 8 then and was inspired by the program’s writing, visuals and quality.
One actor who starred as my favorite character, Wolf, granted me a request for an interview. I had never expected to get the chance to talk to the man behind the character and now I can share for you a few insights into his dreams and style.
When did you first gain interest in film-making?
Really, after I was out of college and in NYC studying privately. Before that it was theater all the time.
Kale: Who or what inspired you to join the industry?
Scott: My wife inspired me to see film in a way that was as interesting to me as theater was.
Kale: Looking back, what have been your favorite roles?
Scott: So many. Wolf from T10K, James Liberti from Street time, Harry Denby from NYPD Blue, tons.
Kale: What are your plans for your career’s future?
Scott: Work, work, work! Movies and to make my own.
Kale: Have you ever wanted to return to any characters for future portrayals?
Scott: Yes.
Kale: If you could portray any real person, who would it be?
Scott: Bill Evans, jazz pianist.
Kale: What interesting hobbies do you have?
Scott: Boxing. I have rock climbed but not in awhile. Love all sports, reading, cooking, some carpentry, gardening.
Kale: Name one thing you’d like your fans to know that they don’t already.
Scott: Nothing. If they don’t know I don’t want them to know now. Good question!

Kale: What is your personal way of giving back to the fans?
Scott: Hard. Wish I did more. There has been such beauty coming from fans. Facebook is one way to be able to communicate in a quick way. I never hired a firm to send out pictures and such so I am lame that way. All I can say is how grateful I am for the fans I have. They been nothing less than awesome.
Kale: Will we be seeing more of you on Necessary Roughness?
Scott: Yes. Next season.
Kale: What is your driving inspiration these days?
Scott: My son and my wife. Their success and their happiness.
Kale: With an actor of your skill, it goes with out saying, you have many fans out there, what is your fan-mail contact information?
Scott: Best way to reach me is FB. But if there is something people want to send, they should send it to: Scott Cohen c/o ONEntertainment 12 W 57th St. PH NYC, NY 10019
Kale: Outside of acting, what are your major film interests?
Scott: Directing and writing and producing. And of course seeing them!
10 years. I want to be in a position where I feel comfortable selling an idea. That make sense?
Kale: If there was one message you’d like to convey to those who’ve supported you through the years, what would it be?
Scott: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! There is nothing like understanding that your work has touched somebody. That is the sole purpose of acting. To be able to move and inspire. If I can do that for one person it is already changing the world and that makes me feel accomplished.
Again, thank you for the interview, I’ve been a fan since I was a child and I appreciate your work and am glad to see you back on television in a major role.
You can watch Scott in many great past projects as well as currently on the air in Necessary Roughness.
Interview by Kale Slade