
“Fringe” Renewed For A Fifth And Final Season

Remember back when Terra Nova got cancelled? I want to pull a quote out from that article that was pure speculation on my part:

Fringe is hanging on by little more than a thread, but with nothing else of note [in FOX’s programming] the series could wrangle a 13-episode final season just like NBC gave to the cult favorite Chuck. Fringe fans might have much to celebrate with Terra Nova’s passing.

That speculation became reality today when FOX announced this afternoon that Fringe would indeed be renewed for a fifth season, and the season would consist of a thirteen episode order.

“Bringing it back for a final 13 allows us to provide the climactic conclusion that its passionate and loyal fans deserve.” FOX president Kevin O’Reilly said in a statement today. “The amazing work the producers, writers and the incredibly talented cast and crew have delivered the last four seasons has literally been out of this world. Although the end is bittersweet, it’s going to be a very exciting final chapter.”

Adds series co-creator J.J. Abrams, “We are thrilled and beyond grateful that FOX — and our fans — have made the impossible possible: ‘Fringe’ will continue into a fifth season that will allow the series to conclude in a wild and thrilling way. All of us at Bad Robot are forever indebted to our viewers and the amazingly supportive FOX network for allowing the adventures of Fringe Division to not only continue, but to resolve in a way that perfectly fits the show.”

I’m a fan of the series but unfortunately I’ve fallen behind by a few seasons for various reasons. However, I do know a few friends and family members who’ll be thrilled at this news, and I’m glad the show will get a definitive ending that will allow me to catch up and be satisfied by how everything gets wrapped up.

John Shannon

John Shannon studied Creative Writing at the University of Maine where he also served as a film critic for the Maine Campus Newspaper. He currently resides in the greater Portland area of Southern Maine where he works by day and watches film by night. He can be reached via email at and followed on Twitter @JohnWShannon


  1. why do they have to renew all the bad shows like fringe and glee and cancel the good shows like terra nova and the event

    1. I agree that GLEE needs to get cancelled as quickly as possible, but anyone who wants more of THE EVENT needs to get their head examined 🙂

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