ReviewsShort Films

Pollination *: A Short Film Review

There is much life rooted within the world. Pollination * draws in and roots the viewer in their seat, teaching them the essence of our world’s natural offspring. Although short in length, the short film directed by award-winner Sam Borowski is a captivating lesson that is both intriguing and ticklish to the funny bone.

Pretty Maria in POLLINATION
Maria Rosolo in POLLINATION

Greatly shot and well-acted, this short draws the attention of your heart more-so than your eyes and grafts morality into your very bones. With performances from Federico Castelluccio, Bill Sorvino, Mary Dimino, Maria Rusolo and newcomer Michael Maugeri, the skill of both comedic timing and dramatic interlacing is quite the surprise given that the film’s focus is on the growing sprouts of morality and growth.

Castelluccio and Dimino both awe the audience with bizarre and bone-chilling performances, their only props to work with being plants and yet drawing from both of them captivating performances. The short is shot on a RED Epic camera, bringing the vibrant colors of the plants to life with every shot and drawing the viewer into the film with the scenery and reality of the sets.

Mary Crazy Scared Eyes in POLLINATION
Mary Dimino in POLLINATION

Borowski keeps the cast on point and helps them in the right directing to perform all to their utmost and bring unique and intriguing performances that can both drain the laughter and tears from your face. During these eerie portrayals, the music combines with the performances for an amazing and tense film.

This short film is an influence on morality and a touching portrayal of what matters in the world as it brings from the viewer moments of laughter, sorrow and all of the goodness that can erupt from a person. It is not one to miss. In fact, Pollination * has a chance to be a major contender in the Live-Action Short category for the Oscars in 2014.

Pollination * can be found on Facebook here.

A Kale Slade Review

Kale Slade

Kale Slade has written for Movie Vine and Entertainment Vine for four years. Striving to do what he can to aid filmmakers in promoting and crafting their projects, he enjoys lending a hand when he can. He also enjoys horseback riding, photography, writing poetry and novels and spending time in nature, experiencing the beauties of life.


  1. I want to see this film. More now than ever after reading this wonderful review. Sounds like a winner. So proud of Sam B.

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