NewsShort Films

“W8” Teaser Trailer with Michael K. Williams

“W8” is a short film directed by Rik Cordero. When notorious street hustler Dee (Michael K. Williams) takes young protege Jay (Dion Sapp) on a tour of the streets, they are forced into a complex question of morality when a young mother Tana (Nancy Mitchell) enters the equation.

Michael K. Williams is known for his work HBO’s The Wire and Boardwalk Empire, also most recently, Williams has guest-starred in three episodes of NBC’s Community. His other television credits include Law & Order, CSI, The Philanthropist and Boston Legal. He also had a recurring role on The Sopranos and J.J. Abrams’ Alias.

Wendy Shepherd

Wendy Shepherd is happily married, a mom of three sons, and an entrepreneur. She's been working online since about 1997, which started as a hobby and turned into a creative career. With a passion for movies, television, music, art, technology, and more, Wendy loves to share information about inspiring people in many formats. Her experience includes a background in digital graphics, websites, publicity, social media management, marketing, online publishing, and more through Studio Matrix. She's also been an associate producer for some film projects. Buy me a coffee.


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