Interview with Manu Intiraymi

From the Star Trek franchise to 24, J. Edgar, JAG and Pearl Harbor, Manu Intiraymi has been featured in a variety of notable works that tell captivating stories and keep audiences intrigued. With the upcoming Star Trek: Renegades, he returns to the franchise that has spanned almost 50 years and has kept audiences boldly going where no one has gone before.
Kale: What first interested you in the film industry?
Manu: When I was a kid, I saw a play of Peter Pan and then films like Labyrinth, Never Ending Story, Ghostbusters, Star Wars and The Princess Bride. I then knew from a very young age that acting was what I wanted to do.
Kale: Have you ever wanted to do anything other than film-making?
Manu: I sang for a couple bands in my 20’s and wanted to be a singer but I lost my passion for music and acting took over somewhere along the way. Recently I’ve started producing. My two latest films as a producer and actor are Benjamin Troubles and The 5th Passenger are coming soon.
Kale: In your early career, how did you hone your craft?
Manu: In high school I was fortunate enough to be a part of the Shakespeare project where we performed four Shakespeare plays a year. After high school I studied the Meisner technique at Playhouse West and also studied at Howard Fine Studio which Utahagen technique and more of a method approach. Early in my 20’s I was lucky enough to star on Star Trek: Voyager and work opposite a cast of well known television and film actors that I stole as much as I could from. To this day, I make it a point to learn and steal from every actor I work with and every performance I watch.
Kale: Who have been your main influences and role models when it comes to your work and life?
Manu: Actors I admire for their work ethic and talent or careers I’d like to model mine after include strong leading men and character actors such as Johnny Depp, Daniel Day Lewis. Anthony Hopkins and Meryl Streep.
Kale: What has been your favorite role, thus far, to portray?
Manu: There is no way possible for me to pick my favourite role I’ve played thus far. Recently, I am very proud of the work I did in Instant from Roddenberry Entertainment and my character “Thompson” was a kick in the pants to portray. I think people will enjoy each of those performances. Of course my performance as “Icheb” in Star Trek: Voyager has had the most lasting impact on pop culture and has opened the doors to the career I currently enjoy. So he’s a favourite too! Look for more “Icheb” in Star Trek: Renegades coming soon 😉

Kale: What can you tell me about 5th Passenger?
Manu: 5th Passenger is a film I co-produced with writer/creators Scott Baker and Morgan Lariah. It’s a sci-fi thriller starring myself as well as Doug Jones and former Star Trek alum Marina Sirtis, Tim Russ and Armin Shimmerman. Beyond that, we are keeping the plot secret, but I guarantee the fans it’s a fantastic script.
Kale: If you could portray any character in theatrical history, who would it be?
Manu: Samuel Beckett because his life story is interesting and I look just like him! A young Quint in a Jaws prequel or BATMAN! (I totally just said that in the Christian Bale Batman voice lol). Actually now that I think about it I would love to play the Joker too but unfortunately, Jared Leto is next in line, then maybe me…
Kale: Which directors would you like to work with?
Manu: I worked with Clint Eastwood but would sure love to do it again. Quentin Tarantino, Christopher Nolan, Ridley Scott, the Wachowski Brothers, Wes Anderson, Alfonso Curon, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Darren Aronofsky, Martin Scorsese…preferably all this year!
Kale: Will you ever do more writing work, perhaps a launch into directing? What other aspects of film-making interest you?
Manu: Someday I will direct and every aspect of film making interests me. That’s why I love film making so much. Name every great art in the history of human kind and they are likely all involved in film.
Kale: You have quite an interesting history with Star Trek, what can you tell me about the franchise that not many get the chance to know?
Manu: It is almost impossible to hide an erection in a Starfleet uniform.
Kale: What can you tell me about Star Trek: Renegades and does it have the potential to be picked up by CBS and become canon to the franchise history?
Manu: It’s a darker look at the Star Trek universe and takes place 12 years after Voyager has returned home to Earth. As far as CBS I’m crossing my fingers.
Kale: Looking ahead, what goals do you have set for yourself in the future of your career?
Manu: I want to be an A-List movie star, produce incredible films that touch people and play Batman 🙂

Kale: In what ways do you like to connect with your fans?
Manu: I don’t! They scare the hell out of me!!! Just kidding 😉 I owe everything to my fan base and love talking with them. I see them at conventions and they can reach me anytime on Twitter @ManuIntiraymi or message me at my Facebook fan page Manu Intiraymi Fan Page (official).
Kale: What is your ideal film project to work on?
Manu: Have I said anything about playing Batman yet?
Kale: If you could give any words of advice to those wishing to enter the film industry, what would they be?
Manu: Two words: Work Hard! More Words: Approach every opportunity with passion and dedication. Train, push and believe in yourself and most importantly, respect your work, your health and those you work with… Oh yeah…and get a good agent and a stylish hat! By the way, these answers were typed by my beautiful girlfriend…helps to have one of those too! Love is a good thing
Thanks for the interview Kale of Movievine and thank you Wendy Shepherd.
Onward… Manu Intiraymi
Official links for Manu and his projects:
IMDb | Vimeo | Facebook
Ben Troubles
5th Passenger
Abstraction Film
Star Trek: Renegades Official Teaser Trailer
Six Gun Savior
Breakdown Express