
“Golf in the Kingdom” Poster Released

Golf in the Kingdom is a film based upon the 1971 novel by author Michael Murphy and stars David O’Hara, Malcolm McDowell and Frances Fisher. The film is written for the screen and directed by Susan Streitfeld.

The novel and likely film revolves around a man who while vacationing in India, chooses to play a round of golf at a famous golf course entitled, Burningbush. He soon discovers a professional golfer by the name of Shivas Irons, who helps him with the ways of golf and spiritual guidance.

Article by Kale Slade

Kale Slade

Kale Slade has written for Movie Vine and Entertainment Vine for four years. Striving to do what he can to aid filmmakers in promoting and crafting their projects, he enjoys lending a hand when he can. He also enjoys horseback riding, photography, writing poetry and novels and spending time in nature, experiencing the beauties of life.
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