10 Things You Didn’t Know About Amelie Anstett

Amelie Anstett is an American actress, dancer, model, and creative force. She experienced an incredible opportunity to be a dancer in the Justin Bieber Purpose Tour, which launched her career. She is most known for her acting role as Sadie in the popular Brat TV show “Chicken Girls.” Learn more about Amelie below…
1. Amelie was a Justin Bieber dancer on his Purpose Tour
Amelie’s claim to fame was her outstanding performance with superstar Justin Bieber. In 2012, Justin Bieber held a YouTube contest, where fans could submit a dance video featuring choreography by his Purpose Tour Dance Manager Nick DeMoura, and possibly get chosen to dance on stage with the Biebs himself. Amelie submitted her video, even submitted it a little later than the deadline, and forgot about it for a few weeks. Suddenly, on June 19th, Amelie received an email from Justin Bieber’s team telling her she had been chosen to perform with Justin Bieber in Florida. Within a few days, Amelie met and spent the day with one of her idols and had the chance to perform in front of a sold-out arena. With over 20,000 fans watching her, Justin ends his performance and asks Amelie what her name is, and he continues to tell his fans, “Amelie?, That’s a SICK name! Everybody Give it up for Amelie!” And from that point forward, her career took off.
2. School is incredibly important to Amelie
Amelie went to public school until 7th grade. School has always been incredibly important to Amelie. She attended Citrus Grove Elementary School in the small town of Palm City, FL, where her teachers still adore her and support her. During her Elementary School years, she earned a reputation of being an excellent student, athlete, and a kind-hearted person. She even received the coveted Eagle award for consistent years of excellence at the school for all the years she attended. When she was in 5th grade, she even stayed after school for an extra hour to help at the front desk and earn her community service hours early. She attended one year of Middle School, at her father’s Alma Matar, Hidden Oaks Middle School in Palm City. During Amelie’s 6th grade summer, she received the opportunity to dance for Justin Bieber, which made it difficult for her to continue regular schooling. Soon, her parents made the difficult decision to homeschool Amelie. She has been a very successful homeschool student since 7th grade and enjoys the flexibility it gives her, especially when she is on set.
3. Amelie started her dance career at a young age
Amelie’s first ever job was dance teacher assistant. At a very young age, Amelie started to dance and then quickly moved onto being a part of the first competition team at her small dance studio. She would spend over 6 hours a day dancing, and since she had a baby brother, she started to ask her mom if she could drop her out early at dance and just let her stay all day until her last class was over. During that time, Amelie’s acrobatics teacher started to ask Amelie to assist her during her younger classes. Amelie’s flexibility and acrobatic ability were far more advanced than anyone at the studio, so her skills were a plus for her teacher to have during her other classes. Amelie helped inspire a lot of young girls and was a positive influence on many throughout the classes.
4. Amelie has an adventurous spirit and no fear of flying
Amelie is super adventurous. She started walking at only nine and a half months old, and from then on, never stopped, climbing, dancing, tumbling, and giving her mom heart attacks! Her adventurous spirit is what has led her to try many different flexibility moves and tumbling tricks. She is always careful and learned at an early age the correct formats to tumble and to fall successfully. Often her mother has been quoted as not being able to watch her performances/numbers until they are finalized and ready to be performed for fear of watching Amelie attempt some of her tricks for the first time. She has a tight rope that rests high above in her farmhouse’s pine trees. She also has no fear of flying and often tells her story of the first time she flew alone. Her mother was a crying mess, but Amelie was excited, calm, and collected. She remembers even the flight attendant telling her how surprisingly calm she was for such a young girl. Amelie loves boating, paddle boarding, traveling, and more.
5. A farm in Florida is where Amelie lives
Amelie lives on a farm. She was born in Winter Park, FL, where her mother mostly grew up in the Orlando area. A couple of years after she was born, her father decided it was best for them to move back to his hometown, so they did, and it has been amazing. Amelie lives on a 9-acre farm, where they own a beautiful plant nursery. Her father is a plant expert and nature lover. They have five adorable dogs, one fluffy cat, and a pet pig named Pickles that lives in his barn, not inside the house!
6. Amelie started pursuing her performance career in her teenage years
Although Amelie had performed in many theatrical numbers, she didn’t start pursuing her career in Los Angeles until /start traveling to LA until her teenage years. Living in Florida and close to Orlando and Disney World and Universal Studios along with Miami as well, Amelie slowly started to appear in small commercials/ads for Walt Disney World Resort and Universal Studios, along with doing small print jobs and appearances in music videos. As she continued to grow, she started to travel to NYC to grow both her dance and performance career, where she attended Broadway Dance Center and ….. She quickly gained recognition from talent agents and managers, which helped lead her to Los Angeles and the Hollywood dream.
7. Dance competitions came as Amelie got older
Amelie originally started dancing because there was no gymnastics studio in her small town. Her whole career started out with dance, and being able to dance is something she cherishes every day. Amelie began to dance at the age of seven years old when there were no gymnastics/acrobatic studios in her small town. However, there was a dance studio, so she started to take dance classes. At first, it was just one or two classes, but soon, teachers were calling her mom and inviting Amelie to participate in their other classes. Sometimes things work in funny ways. Eventually, Amelie was dancing every day except Sundays, for over 5 hours a day, and as she got older and started competing, it became a lot more hours of training.
8. Amelie is a power tumbler
Another fun fact people don’t know about Amelie is that she is a power tumbler and can perform incredibly difficult flips, stunts, and flexibility skills. Her dance teachers noticed her unique abilities and talent at a very young age. They would often use Amelie’s skills as the centerpieces of their performances. They helped to foster her talent and helped her grow tremendously. Amelie was learning from her teachers, but often the teachers were learning something new from Amelie. They would try some crazy new trick with Amelie because she wanted to, and they knew she could do it.
9. Dance Moms’ Abbey Lee Miller chose Amelie as a finalist to be on the show
Most people don’t know that in the early stages of Amelie’s career she was one of the very few finalists chosen by Abbey Lee Miller to be on the television show Dance Moms, before the show was canceled for a while, due to Abbey having to serve time. It was one of her first experiences auditioning for a TV Show, and Abbey was actually nicer than was expected. Amelie and her mother were extremely surprised that they had been chosen and often say the audition process was one of the longer ones they ever had. There were a lot of Skype interviews and a lot of tears.
10. Amelie’s name originated from a romantic French-German Comedy
Most people don’t know the backstory of Amelie’s name. Amelie was named after the 2001 romantic French-German comedy, “Amelie.” Her parents have been quoted as saying they felt the movie had great energy and loved the story-line. They knew that Amelie needed to be given a special name, so they chose Amelie. Most people don’t know that Amelie is half Latin and that her father is from Hawaii. She is a very diverse young lady. Amelie absolutely loves the originality of her name, and loves that it goes with her motto, “Be Original.” Her middle name also has an interesting story, but that’s for another time to tell 🙂
*Photographer credit: Brandin Shaffer