
‘The Gorge ‘: A Sci-Fi Action Horror Film Starring Miles Teller and Anya Taylor-Joy – Trailer and Release Date

I enjoyed the trailer with the back-and-forth between Miles and Anya across the gorge, and I’m very curious about what is down in the gorge! I hope whatever it is doesn’t disappoint. I’m looking forward to watching it; the trailer is below:

Directed by Scott Derrickson, ‘The Gorge‘ is a PG-13 rated film about two highly-trained operatives who are appointed to posts in guard towers on opposite sides of a vast and highly classified gorge, protecting the world from an undisclosed, mysterious evil that lurks within. They bond from a distance while trying to stay vigilant in defending against an unseen enemy. When the cataclysmic threat to humanity is revealed to them, they must work together in a test of both their physical and mental strength to keep the secret in the gorge before it’s too late.

‘The Gorge’ stars Miles Teller (as Levi), Anya Taylor-Joy (as Drasa), and Sigourney Weaver (as Bartholomew). Additional cast includes Sope Dirisu (as J.D.), William Houston (as Erikas), Kobna Holdbrook-Smith (as Black Ops Commander), and James Marlowe (as Bradford Shaw).

Written by Zach Dean, ‘The Gorge’ is produced by David Ellison, Dana Goldberg, Don Granger, Scott Derrickson, C.Robert Cargill, Sherryl Clark, Adam Kolbrenner, Zach Dean, and Gregory Goodman, with executive producer Miles Teller.

Watch the trailer below:

Here’s an interview with Anya Taylor-Joy and Miles Teller talking about ‘The Gorge’ and highlighting the loss of Mile’s home:

‘The Gorge’ is being released on Apple TV+ on February 14, 2025. Check for more details here.

Wendy Shepherd

Wendy Shepherd is happily married, a mom of three sons, and an entrepreneur. She's been working online since about 1997, which started as a hobby and turned into a creative career. With a passion for movies, television, music, art, technology, and more, Wendy loves to share information about inspiring people in many formats. Her experience includes a background in digital graphics, websites, publicity, social media management, marketing, online publishing, and more through Studio Matrix. She's also been an associate producer for some film projects. Buy me a coffee.
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