
“The Avengers” Captain America Costume Revealed

Recently shown was the new uniform for Captain America. It is an improved look from the film of which has inspired me to become more patriotic and more faithful to America. The country is in need of our heroes these days and Captain America would prove to be a beacon of hope for this troubled America. The Avengers is due for release on May 4, 2012 with Chris Evans returning in the role of Steven Rogers (Captain America).

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Article by Kale Slade

Kale Slade

Kale Slade has written for Movie Vine and Entertainment Vine for four years. Striving to do what he can to aid filmmakers in promoting and crafting their projects, he enjoys lending a hand when he can. He also enjoys horseback riding, photography, writing poetry and novels and spending time in nature, experiencing the beauties of life.
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