The Wall Street Journal has been chatting with director Ridley Scott, and in the interview he reveals intention to direct a sequel to his 1982 sci-fi classic Blade Runner.
“I think I’m close to finding a writer that might be able to help me deliver,” Scott says, “we’re quite a long way in, actually.” He claims the film is “liable to be a sequel.” And with that, nerds everywhere lost their minds.
Scott is currently working on Prometheus, a pseudo-remake/re-imagining/reboot of his own Alien. This Blade Runner sequel will be his next project, and hopefully from there he’ll continue remaking his oeuvre in sequence. Is a Legend remake in our distant futures?
The original Blade Runner was based on Phillip K Dick’s short story Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? and involved Harrison Ford hunting down renegade robots in a dystopian future. Pessimistic in tone the film flopped in ’82 when optimism was all the rage. However, the film maintained a cult following and even played a part in Christopher Nolan’s career. The director showed Blade Runner to the cast and crew of Batman Begins before rolling, and the gritty aesthetic has dominated big budget filmmaking ever since. If Scott’s plans work out, the world will surely be ready for a visit to the Blade Runner universe this time.