Mother’s Red Dress is the latest film produced by No Restrictions Entertainment with writer/director Edgar Michael Bravo at the helm. Once again they hit the mark with this no-holds-barred film that shatters the silence of abuse. The main focus of the film is to expose the damage created by domestic violence, which we all too often ignore. It faces the issues of both abuse and alcoholism head on and makes no apologies for shining a light on these secrets. The subject matter, both gritty and raw, is placed into the very capable hands of this talented cast. Each of the actors is assigned the difficult task of bringing the painful resonating ache of abuse to their characters.
We first find the main character, Paul (played brilliantly by newcomer Timothy Driscoll), running from a past where he was witness to his mother killing her abusive boyfriend. Paul has found himself lost between reality and fiction as he unknowingly tries to escape a childhood of violence. Unable to remember the details of the night his mother fought back, Paul fearlessly fights with his suppressed memories so he can piece together what his mind so desperately wants to keep hidden. Once pushed beyond the constraints of his fractured memory, Paul is then forced to recognize all of the pain and suffering he’s been avoiding. With a little push from love, Paul is finally willing to face his family’s dysfunction. However, once the past rises to the surface will it crush him or finally give him a chance to break free?
Mother’s Red Dress has a slow burn, which you won’t be aware of until a few hours after the credits roll. Somehow the filmmakers lower you down into the dark recesses of humanity without your knowledge. It is subtle yet to the point. It is a place we all should visit so we never forget the dangers of ignoring the silent cries of the victims of domestic violence.
Now available on DVD and VOD at www.norestrictionsent.com.
Jan, thank you and MovieVine for giving us this opportunity to share our work with you. We are inspired by the reactions of those who have seen the film and relate to a message of facing the truth in order to begin healing yourself.
John Paul, you are more than welcome. Thank you for sharing this project. I admire the dedication No Restrictions has to bringing social issues to light.