
‘Hurry Up Tomorrow’: A Thriller Film Starring Abel Tesfaye, Jenna Ortega, and Barry Keoghan – Trailer and Release Date

Directed by Trey Edward Shults, ‘Hurry Up Tomorrow‘ is a thriller film about a musician plagued by insomnia pulled into an odyssey with a stranger who begins to unravel the very core of his existence.

‘Hurry Up Tomorrow’ stars Abel Tesfaye (as himself), Jenna Ortega (as Anima), and Barry Keoghan (as Lee), along with Paul L Davis (as Lavi).

Written by Trey Edward Shults, Abel Tesfaye, and Reza Fahim, ‘Hurry Up Tomorrow’ is based on Abel “the Weeknd” Tesfaye’s sixth studio album with the same name. The film is produced by Abel Tesfaye, p.g.a., Reza Fahim, p.g.a., Kevin Turen, p.g.a., Harrison Kreiss, p.g.a.

Watch the trailer below:

Lionsgate is releasing ‘Hurry Up Tomorrow’ in theaters on May 16, 2025. Check for more details here.

Wendy Shepherd

Wendy Shepherd is happily married, a mom of three sons, and an entrepreneur. She's been working online since about 1997, which started as a hobby and turned into a creative career. With a passion for movies, television, music, art, technology, and more, Wendy loves to share information about inspiring people in many formats. Her experience includes a background in digital graphics, websites, publicity, social media management, marketing, online publishing, and more through Studio Matrix. She's also been an associate producer for some film projects. Buy me a coffee.
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