According to Variety, Sony Pictures is sniffing around the rights to Walter Issacson’s upcoming biography on Steve Jobs, the Apple founder who died this past Wednesday at 56.
Originally scheduled for release this November, the book’s date has been pushed up to October 24th for fairly obvious reasons. The 448 page tome came from two years worth of exclusive interviews with Jobs, and was agreed to by Jobs who wished for something his family could remember him by (aside from the $8.3 billion he was worth, of course).
Sony is no stranger to cashing in on recent mega events. When Osama Bin Laden was killed this past May they fought for the rights to the Navy SEAL’s story long and hard before Disney eventually bought them out. The studio also found major success this past year with The Social Network, another film about a forward thinking computer wiz who changed the world. Social Network was a major financial and critical juggernaut, eventually becoming a major player at the Academy Awards. If the right director and actor get involved with the Jobs bio-pic, lightning may indeed strike twice.
You can pre-order Walter Issacson’s Steve Jobs here
The world has been rocked on its axis with Steve’s loss. A sad time for the whole world to lose someone so innovative and influential.
Rest well Steve and thank you for making the world so much smaller and better.