
DC Divas Football Team Star in Doc “Women with Balls”

The Women with Balls documentary follows the 2015 season of the women’s football team the D.C. Divas. Director/Producer Robert Mac (Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, The Small Poppies) and Actor/Producer Paul Blackthorne (Arrow, The Dresden Files, The American Journey) team up to introduce viewers to the underground world of full contact women’s football and bring to light the amazing women of the WFA (Women’s Football Alliance).


Even though their male counterparts in the NFL retain yearly salaries of over a million dollars the women of the WFA receive $0. Same game … different genders. The women of the WFA all play for the love of the game, but isn’t it time that they are seen as equals on the gridiron as well? Women with Balls shows women from all walks of life gearing up and toughing it out on the field and off. In showcasing America’s favorite sport up close and personal we get a sideline view through the eyes of the players and the fans who support them.


Be a part of this special film by joining the Indiegogo campaign (ending on April 10th). Rewards offered vary from an invite to the digital premiere, invites to the NY/LA red carpet premieres, an official WWB t-shirt, tickets to a D.C. Divas game, Dresden Files book, Harry Dresden’s leather coat from The Dresden Files series, dinner with Paul Blackthorne, various Producer credits, a raffle for a Skype session with the Arrow himself actor Stephen Amell (randomly chosen from those who have donated $5 and up), and much much more.


Women with Balls encourages us all to follow our dreams. The women of the D.C. Divas prove that there is talent, strength, and passion on the field no matter one’s gender. There is still a long road ahead in bringing equality to the game. It is of utter importance that girls grow up knowing that they are valued and important in the world of sports. The women of D.C. Divas, along with every player in the WFA, are role models that every young person can look up to with pride and be empowered by their drive and passion for the game.


Be a part of the action and check out Women with Balls on Indiegogo (here).


*For project updates follow DC Divas (@dcdivasfootball) and Paul Blackthorne (@PaulBlackthorne) on Twitter.

Jan Ostegard

It's been four decades since I first discovered a passion for movies. One momentous evening in 1977 my sister and brother introduced me to Star Wars and it forever changed my life. I relocated to Los Angeles after receiving a BA in Theatre and lived in the San Fernando valley for nineteen years. Besides acting and writing, I enjoy movies, music, theatre, relaxing at the beach or in the mountains, mastering racing games, traveling around the world, and hoarding chapstick. My husband and I are currently readjusting to life back in the States after spending three years living in Shanghai, China.
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