Just days after Apple founder Steve Jobs passed we reported on Sony’s deal to purchase the rights to his biography. It seems Sony is hell bent on striking while the iron is still hot. The latest news concerns the Academy award winning screenwriter Aaron Sorkin (The West Wing, The Social Network, Moneyball).
Sorkin has expressed his interest in adapting the biography for the big screen to the Hollywood Reporter, and Sony has spent a little time courting him.
“Sony has asked me to write the movie and it’s something I’m strongly considering. Right now I’m just in the thinking-about-it stages,” Sorkin said. “It’s a really big movie and it’s going to be a great movie no matter who writes it.”
It will certainly be worth checking out if Sorkin is behind it. I think bio-pics are the hardest kind of film to get right, with most of them acting as nothing more than a cliffnotes version of a person’s life. Sorkin was able to turn the creation of Facebook into an amazing film, and I’ll watch anything with his name attached to it, so if this comes to be, I’m in. How about you?