Directed by David Ayer (Suicide Squad, The Beekeeper), ‘A Working Man‘ is a rated-R action drama film about Levon Cade, who left his profession behind to work construction and be a good dad to his daughter. But when a local girl vanishes, he’s asked to return to the skills that made him a mythic figure in the shadowy world of counter-terrorism.
‘A Working Man’ stars Jason Statham (playing the role of Levon Cade) and Michael Peña. Additional cast includes Jason Flemyng, Merab Ninidze, Maximilian Osinski, and Cokey Falkow, with Michael Peña and David Harbour.
The screenplay for ‘A Working Man’ was written by David Ayer and Sylvester Stallone and is based on the book ‘Levon’s Trade’ by Chuck Dixon. The film’s producers are Chris Long, Jason Statham, John Friedberg, David Ayer, Sylvester Stallone, Bill Block, and Kevin King Templeton. Executive producers are Teddy Schwarzman, Michael Heimler, Mike Shanks, Jill Silfen, Volodymyr Artemenko, Yevgen Stupka, Alexis Garcia, Rachael Cole, and Thomas Zadra.
Watch the trailer below:
Amazon MGM Studios is releasing ‘A Working Man’ in theaters on March 28, 2025. Also presented by Black Bear and in association with Eastern Film Investments, CAT5, and Fifth Season, ‘A Working Man’ is a Black Bear, Cedar Park, Punch Palace, and Balboa Production.
Look for showings in your local listing and visit the official website here.