
A Full “Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn” Trailer is Online

Well, I’m not entirely sure what half the stuff in that trailer is supposed to be about, but at this point these films aren’t made for me. They’re made for the rabid TwiHards who have every previous film memorized. Bill Condon, director of Dreamgirls, Gods and Monsters, and Kinsey is finishing up the series, and Summit is pulling out all the stops and sparing no expense (for example, those werewolf things actually look kinda, sorta real). Fans are excited, and we’ll see if they can match the fervor Potter fans built this past summer, pushing Potter to become the third highest grossing film of all time.

Condon knows how to make big, overblown entertainment, and if Twilight can be described as anything, its overblown. This movie may not be good, but it might be vaguely interesting to watch.

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn: Part One hits theaters on November 18th 2011.

John Shannon

John Shannon studied Creative Writing at the University of Maine where he also served as a film critic for the Maine Campus Newspaper. He currently resides in the greater Portland area of Southern Maine where he works by day and watches film by night. He can be reached via email at and followed on Twitter @JohnWShannon
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