Giving Back – Interview with Kiowa Gordon

Kiowa Gordon first hit the Hollywood scene in a little movie called New Moon. Having the rare opportunity to start at the top, Kiowa has taken the roller-coaster ride of instant fame in stride. He remains true to himself and his creative expression. Kiowa will embark on the next chapter of his career adding executive producer to his resume with the film Heat Wave. He is heading up the Kickstarter campaign by offering you the chance to get to know him.
MV: Welcome to Movie Vine, Kiowa.
Kiowa: Thanks for having me, Movie Vine.

MV: This is the final week for your Heat Wave Kickstarter campaign. What can you tell us about the film?
Kiowa: This film is about modern moral decay and follows around two friends taking a Cross Country trip to get away from their narcissistic behavior only to find morals chase them.
MV: Will you, like your character Michael, actually take a road trip while filming?
Kiowa: Yes, it’s gonna be an exciting new role and experience.
MV: This will be your first time as an executive producer on a film. What are the added responsibilities you will have regarding production?
Kiowa: Most of the responsibilities have come from the crowd sourcing on kickstarter. On set I’m just gonna be an actor. I gave up my salary to make this happen.

MV: Your Kickstarter offers fans a chance to get up close and personal with you by phone calls, Skype sessions, dinner, premiere tickets, and even a part in the film. What made you decide to take a more personal approach when reaching out to your fans for their support?
Kiowa: I love their passion and support for anything that I do as an artist, I just wanted to give something back.
MV: You worked with Russ Russo in The Projectionist. Now you will hopefully be teaming up again for Heat Wave. When did you first realize that you two were kindred spirits?
Kiowa: We met in Tennessee and when we got back to L.A. we started hanging out and talking and we both knew we were destined to work together as artists and collaborators. We have some of the same philosophies and ideals.

MV: You landed the dream role of Embry in your first film The Twilight Saga: New Moon. What was the casting process like for such a large production?
Kiowa: There was an open casting call for young native men in my city of Phoenix, AZ for a “Major Motion Picture”, I knew it was the sequel to Twilight because I was going to church with my mom and my Sunday school teacher was Stephenie Meyer, the author of the series. Stephenie approached my mom and I about auditioning for a role as one of the shapeshifters. I was delighted to have a chance like this so I really prepared and tried a little in the audition. I may have scared the casting directors by acting as if I was transforming into a werewolf and growling at them. A few weeks went by and I thought I didn’t book the gig but my mom got an email from the production saying they wanted to offer me the role of Embry Call. I accepted and my life changed from then on.
MV: Was it difficult to take on a character that was already created before you ever walked on set?
Kiowa: No, I didn’t think of that. I thought, “hey, does Embry like vampire burgers?”
MV: What was your reaction the first time seeing Embry in wolf form on the big screen?
Kiowa: I was astonished. Never thought I’d be a huge CGI wolf before.

MV: Has it been strange to watch the parallels between your and Embry’s transformations in life?
Kiowa: This has been so surreal but I’ve gotten used to the fact that I’m still the same dude I once was, just a little more known and observed.
MV: Up next is the final chapter of Twilight with Breaking Dawn – Part 2. I know you can’t share much, but are you pleased with how the saga is ending?
Kiowa: It’s really bittersweet for me. One thing ends and another begins.
MV: Something our readers may not know is that you are also a talented vocalist. Have you thought about writing a rock opera to star in?
Kiowa: Yes, I actually have and there was a script floating around from my buddy James “The Boneman” Mosley. Now my buddy Randy Leyva wants to write one as well and I’d love to do that if it’s a good script and good music.
MV: Thank you for sharing with us today, Kiowa.
Kiowa: You’re welcome. Thanks for listening.
*Follow Kiowa on his official Twitter account and check out his music on SoundCloud and PureVolume. For more information on the Heat Wave Kickstarter check out the project page here (ends tomorrow 8/31).
Giving Back – @Movievine Interview with a Twilight Werewolf, Kiowa Gordon ( @CircaKiGordon ) … …
@teamtwilighters Giving Back – @Movievine Interview with a Twilight Werewolf, Kiowa Gordon ( @CircaKiGordon ) …
Giving Back – Interview with a Twilight Werewolf, Kiowa Gordon ( @CircaKiGordon ) …
Giving Back – Interview with Kiowa Gordon via @movievine
.@circakigordon interview for Movie Vine about Giving Back to fans/friends for his good luck landing Twilight Saga
Giving Back – Interview with Kiowa Gordon (from Twilight) .. *Follow @CircaKiGordon & check out
Check out my @movievine interview with Kiowa Gordon (@CircaKiGordon) and then go show @HeatWaveFilm some love.